What Architects Say About Our Strategic Business Development + Marketing Help
There’s working IN your business and there’s working ON your business. Then, there’s working with Jean Leathers. Jean gets to the essentials you need to build your business quickly and directly. Her passion for building relationships combined with her business acumen merge to help architects learn to spend their time on activities that work to bring in work.
I have had the pleasure of working side-by-side with Jean and have seen first-hand her ability to bring clarity to the marketing and business development activities of a firm. She helps firm leaders to sort through the chaos, shed that which isn’t important, and make BD tasks methodical and meaningful. And while firm leaders can benefit from her broad experience and sage advise, she is also adept at productively facilitating large groups – from entire firm staff to interactive workshop participants.
And the icing on the cake that is Jean Leathers… she is great fun to work with too!
Principal/Owner | Cleveland, OH
As a consultant, Jean has a tremendous gift for seeing past the clutter, getting right into the meat of things, and offering extremely detailed, considerate, and kind feedback. Because she has mastered the art of building people up while thoroughly critiquing them, she has the power to retool your entire presentation (for example) without making you feel like a tool. Jean cares, she’s fearless, she’s a joy to be around, and she will keep you at your best.
Principal/Owner | North Carolina
Nothing like finding great copy on one’s electronic doorstep first thing in the morning to make my day and make life easy on a Thursday. Thanks, and feel free to pitch any time.
Editor, AEC Industry Journal | Northeast OH
Jean provided an educational workshop on improving your effectiveness at building business to the SMPS St. Louis Chapter in April, 2010. The program was interactive and each participant walked away with a workbook filled with ideas on positioning statements, differentiating your firm and qualifying clients. We received many positive comments on Jean’s hands-on workshop. Our chapter was very fortunate to have Jean as our guest.
Director of Marketing, SMPS Leader | St Louis, MO
Jean Leathers is a real pro. She’s smart, creative, both strategic and tactical — with great business smarts. What’s more, she’s a dream to work with. She tells you what you need to hear (not just what you’d like to hear) in the dearest and clearest way possible. She really THINKS about your business objectives and then sets out to help you achieve them, on time and within budget.
President | San Francisco, CA
Let’s Talk.
Wondering about how Practice Clarity can help your architectural firm build business? Let’s set up a call.